A Quest That's Just Begun
An exhibition/event delivered collaboratively by Wooosh Gallery & GENERATORprojects—curated by Saoirse Amira Anis, and featuring artists Tayo Adekunle, Nat Akinyi, Jacqueline Briggs, Yasmin Davidson, Ahmad Deeni, Harvey Dimond, Joy Gansh, Shona Inatimi, Sekai Machache, Holly Mason, Leighton McIntosh, Mpilo Mseleku, Nkem Okwechime, Thulani Rachia, Zoë Zo, Zoë Tumika & Zoë Guthrie, and Nicola Wiltshire.
This project was conceived in response to the Black Lives Matter movement, during a time when organisations were unable to undertake regular programming due to COVID-19 restrictions. As part of Anis's commitment to uplift, support and nourish fellow Black creatives vocally and unapologetically, the exhibition exclusively showcased the talents of Black artists. A Quest That's Just Begun hoped to be the first step towards implementing an appropriate system of care for Black creatives at GENERATORprojects.
Following Wooosh's usual format, the event welcomed the artists and a public audience to a ceremonial pasting-up of the works, complemented by a Instagram livestream of the proceedings. The Wooosh remained on view indefinitely.
See Anis's Creative Dundee blog on the exhibition here. ​​​​​​​
Photography by Annabel Steen